Mica Decorations | in: Garden,Inspiration 3 min read

5 tips to increase biodiversity in your garden

Biodiversity in your garden ensures a garden full of life. Think of animals such as bees, butterflies and birds, as well as different plants and fungi. As well as being environmentally-friendly, a bio-diverse garden is also a great way of discovering all kinds of animals in your own garden. Want a garden full of biodiversity? These 5 tips will help you take a step in the right direction.

1. Choose the right flowers and plants

Thanks to their pollen and nectar, flowers are vital for bees, butterflies and many other insects. But did you know that modern flowers with multiple layers of petals make it difficult for bees to access these vital sources of food? You therefore need to pay close attention to the plants you choose for your garden. You should also look at the flowering times of these plants to make sure you always have something in bloom from early spring until the start of winter. 

2. Add shrubs and trees to your garden

Colourful flowers are nice, but trees and shrubs are also extremely important. These can act as a home for a variety of different animals, especially as a place to shelter or to breed. Fruit trees are also a good option. These are a nice addition to your garden and their fruit or blossom provide plenty of food for animals. 

3. Choose water as a source of life

Alongside food, many animals also need water. A pond in the garden therefore makes a perfect addition, but a large bucket, trough or bird bath can also help to add to its biodiversity. You should also make sure there is a shallow area of water where birds can wash, or add a large stone to the water to give them a place to land when they want a drink. 

4. Garden waste isn’t waste

Nowadays gardens are very well maintained, possibly a little too well when it comes to biodiversity. Leave some branches and leaves on the ground instead of clearing them up. These are ideal hiding places for a variety of different insect species, but also for hedgehogs. You can also create your own compost pile from your garden waste. This is a very sustainable solution and it means you don’t have to keep going to the dump to drop off your waste. 

5. Care for animals

It never hurts to give nature an added boost. Hanging up a birdhouse or feeder is a small act that leads to a lot of fun, both for the birds themselves and for you, especially if you’re a bit of a bird spotter. Another common sight nowadays are insect hotels. Instead of killing insects, why not give them pride of place in your garden?