Privacy Policy

Information about the use of your personal data and your rights

General provisions

Edelman B.V. (“Edelman”) collects personal data from (the employees of) our customers, relationship and visitors to our websites during the carrying out of our services. Edelman processes your data with the necessary care, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Our privacy statement it is explained what information we process, how we do it and how you can object to the processing of your personal data. This privacy statement may be updated from time to time. You can find the valid version on our website

The company responsible for the processing of personal data is Edelman B.V., Schinkeldijk 56, 2811 PB Reeuwijk with postal address P.O. Box 40, 2810 AA Reeuwijk.

Edelman collects and processes information in various ways:

  • Information that you provide to us, such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address (or that of your employees), and
  • Information we receive from your use of our services and your visit to our websites, such as name, address, e-mail address, IBAN number. We also process your preferences for certain products and services.

Goal and use

Edelman uses the data we collect for:

  • Services: Edelman processes your personal data to deliver our services to you. For example, we use the data to send an invoice or to maintain our relationship with you. We also use your information to respond to requests for information or to evaluate your application.
  • Engaging third parties: Edelman can use other parties to deliver (a part of) our services to you. To the extent that these third parties need access to personal data in order to be able to carry out these services, Edelman shall take the appropriate contractual and organizational measures to ensure that your data are processed exclusively for the purposes set out in this privacy statement and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Marketing and sales activities: we would like to make you offers of our products and services (even after the end of your contract). We do this by telephone, e-mail or by mail, unless you object to this.
  • The processing of your data on Edelman websites: We collect and use your personal information on our websites in the first place to deliver our (web) services and to communicate with you. Your data will furthermore be used for research and analysis to improve our services and our websites. We may in certain cases use your information on our websites to send information by e-mail about other services of Edelman, on condition that you have given us permission for this.


Edelman uses various technologies for collecting and storing information when you visit an Edelman website, including cookies. Cookies help us to improve our websites and to better serve our users. Cookies are simple text files that are stored through your browser on your computer, tablet or smartphone that contain information. The website instructs the browser by which you view websites (e.g. Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) to store these cookies on your computer. A cookie contains no identifying information and is only used to make the use of our website easier for you. If you do not appreciate this, you can block the use of cookies via your web browser. Most components of our website will then remain readable.

Edelman uses different types of cookies, namely:

  • cookies to make the website more user-friendly by keeping track of the visitor’s behavior and storing certain preferences
  • cookies to keep statistics on the use of our website. Edelman uses Google Analytics for this.
  • cookies that allow Edelman to share the information on the website via social media buttons. These are cookies that are placed by third parties. For more information, please refer to the privacy statements of LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. This information changes regularly, Edelman has no influence on this. Edelman does not place tracking cookies on the website itself, but if you use the social media cookies third parties can certainly place these

Organizational and technical safety measures

At Edelman we always take into account the principles regarding the processing of personal data under the GDPR, if and insofar as Edelman processes personal data. This means that:

  • we minimize the collection and use of personal data as much as possible. We do not process more personal data than we need to deliver our services and we strive to process as much information as possible that can not be traced back to natural persons. We never store the personal data longer than is necessary for the provision of service.
  • we take appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect all personal data that is processed against risks of loss or unauthorized access. We comply thereby with the applicable security standards.
  • we only use personal data for the purpose for which we received it (for example, to provide our services);
  • we only use personal data if there is a legal ground, i.e. in accordance with the instructions of our customers;
  • the more sensitive the data are, the less we process it;
  • if despite the security measures, there is still a security incident that is likely to have adverse consequences for your privacy, we will inform you as soon as possible about the incident. We therefore inform you also about the measures we have taken to limit the consequences and to avoid repetition in the future.
  • your personal details will not be shared with other parties other than Edelman, unless one of the following conditions applies:
    • With your explicit permission: You have the right to revoke this consent at any time.
    • For processing your data by parties other than Edelman. This is done at all times on the basis of our instructions, in accordance with our privacy statement and with due observance of any obligations regarding confidentiality and security measures.
    • For legal reasons: We may share your personal information with third parties other than Edelman, if we suspect that access to and use of the personal data is reasonably necessary to:
      • to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and / or a court order;
      • to detect, prevent or otherwise deal with fraud, security or technical problems;
      • to protect the interests, property or safety of Edelman, our users or the public, insofar as applicable laws and regulations permit.
    • We may share collected, not personally identifiable information with our partners, such as advertisers or the public. In this way, we can share information publicly to show trends about the general use of our services.
    • If Edelman is involved in a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, we will continue to guarantee the confidentiality of all personal data. We will also notify all parties involved before personal data are transferred or come under any other privacy statement.

Rights with regard to the use of your personal data

  • You may object to certain use of your personal data if such data is processed for purposes other than that necessary for the carrying out of our services or for compliance with a legal obligation. You can furthermore object to any further processing of your personal data after an earlier permission given.
  • You have right regarding the personal data that we process from you. This means that you can request that we inform you about the personal data that we have collected and processed from you and the purposes for which this data is used.
  • If you suspect that we have incorrect personal data about you, then you can have these personal details corrected. You can also ask us to limit the processing of your personal data, also for the period we need to evaluate your requests or objections.
  • You can request from us to remove your personal data from our systems.
  • You can ask us to transfer your personal data to a third party.
  • We will comply with your request unless we have a compelling legitimate interest not to delete your data, which outweighs your privacy interest. After your data has been deleted, we are not immediately able to remove all copies from our active backup servers. We may refuse requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical efforts or technical consequences, jeopardize the privacy of others, are extremely impractical or if they are done unreasonably often.
  • You can make the above requests or objections by sending a letter or e-mail, including your name, address, telephone number and a copy of a valid ID (in the process the photo, BSN, passport number and nationality is made unrecognizable ) to Edelman BV, PO Box 40, 2810 AA, Reeuwijk or via If your request is related to access to personal data in a cookie, you must also provide a copy of the mentioned cookies. You can receive an answer from us within 4 weeks.

You also have the right to file a complaint about the use of your personal data with the Dutch Personal Data Protection Authority.