Mica Decorations | in: Garden,Inspiration,Plant pots 4 min read

‘I want to try out every corner of my new garden’

With 186.000+ followers on Instagram, Sandra Gremmen of @finntage is one of the most influential home décor bloggers of The Netherlands. While looking for new outdoor seating, flexibility turned out to be key for her.

The sun is out in full force, which in our house can only mean one thing: we want to live outside! Since we’ve moved into our new house, this has become more important than ever. We have a much bigger garden with an actual view. How grateful I am for our new place.

Lately we’ve been focused on getting the inside of the house done, which means the garden is still in tatters. We’re currently working on renovating it, but it won’t be done until the end of the summer season. No worries though: we’re still making the most of our great outdoors. All we really need is a comfy place to sit and maybe some drinks and a snack. Lovely.

All the combinations

The only part of our garden that’s been done up already is our new covered terrace, right next to our kitchen. We’ve been using this space so much over the past six months. It’s a lovely spot to catch the first rays of sun without being blown away by spring winds. Of course, using this spot meant looking for a new set of seating for summer. I had been looking for seats that I could move around easily, as we are still getting to know the garden and want to be able to try out different spots and all the combinations.

So that’s where I started my search: I needed a set that wasn’t all that heavy (easy lifting please!) with separate elements that I could combine any way I wanted to. The goal was to make every corner of my garden a perfect seating area, following the sun wherever it went.

A good print

Mica Decorations understood the assignment and with their help I got to dress up a part of our garden. I’ve been a proud partner of this wonderful company for a few years now and always love their collections. Even though I know their collections pretty well, I was still surprised by how much I had to choose from. Cool sets for gardens and balconies all around. And then there was their enormous collection of outdoor accessories for that all important finishing touch. I fell hard for a set made out of bamboo with sofas, chairs, and tables. I added pillows in a cheerful print to keep it looking playful. I love me a good print.

The pillows turned out to be insanely comfortable. I ended up getting three sofas and one chair, a perfect combo for creating different seating areas around the garden and on our terrace. I added colorful pillows, rattan tables, wicker baskets and some lanterns to create my perfect summer vibe.

So many perfect spots

When the weather is hot, we move the whole set under our red birch tree, my favorite spot in our whole garden. It’s where I have my morning coffee, basking in the first sunlight of the day. In the afternoon it offers a lovely, shaded retreat from the heat.

I love having greenery on my terrace as well, but since we have a covered spot that isn’t an option. Plants won’t catch enough light there. Looking for something green nonetheless I got an artificial palm that looks so big and bold and beautiful in its XL wicker home. Mica Decorations is always a great spot to get artificial plants, as you can read in this earlier blog I wrote.

Our new set has already found so many perfect spots in our garden. It’s everything I hoped for.

Have a good summer!